Side of the Road Breath Test
Side of the Road Breath Test Imagine: a police officer in northeast Georgia pulls you over because he sees you are not wearing your seat-belt. He walks up to the car and starts talking with [...]
Side of the Road Breath Test Imagine: a police officer in northeast Georgia pulls you over because he sees you are not wearing your seat-belt. He walks up to the car and starts talking with [...]
Innocent Killed in High Speed Chase The law firm of McDonald & Cody, LLC in Cornelia, Georgia announces a significant settlement in the wrongful death of Mr. Riggins. The settlement was reached after expert Geoffrey [...]
Cell Phones: The New Killer On The Road Almost everyone you come in contact with in this day and age has a cell phone. We use them in our every day lives. Send emails, make [...]
Boating Accidents On Lake Burton and Lake Rabun The law firm of McDonald & Cody, LLC has litigated 5 wrongful death cases in the past 5 years that involve the death or serious injury to [...]
NEVADA SUPREME COURT RULES THAT IMPLIED CONSENT LAW IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL Sam Sliger has argued that the current method for collecting and testing breath and blood from an accused is unconstitutional. On Thursday, October 16, 2014, [...]
Assault & Battery: What Is The Difference? Often times the charge of assault and crime of battery are confused. Each crime involves either actual physical contact or perceived physical harm. Each crime can be either [...]
Mental Illness: Plea of Insanity Mental illness or pleading mentally instability at the time of committing a crime is an often used defense to a criminal violation. What does it really mean to be “mentally [...]
Intentional Tort – Road Rage Settlement After Litigation Filed Plaintiff, Michael Bradbury, was a resident of Georgia. The driver of a truck intentionally ran over Michael Bradberry. The driver of the truck intentionally caused the [...]
Recently driver's have been charged with DUI and had their children in the car with them. Here are a few of the recent articles where Driver's in Georgia were charged with DUI and they had [...]
Out Of State DUI Charges Unfortunately, you or a loved one have just been arrested for a DUI. That is a scary enough feeling on its own, but what happens when you are arrested for [...]